Real estate-changing technologies. from Shravan Gupta.



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Mumbai: The changing times have left a lasting impact on real estate. Real estate has undergone a complete overhaul. Today it is not uncommon to witness technological advancement in the real estate sector.


Most real estate developers like Shravan Gupta have embraced the technology with a smile. We are at the dawn of a new era where there is a merger between real estate and technology.

This transformation is attributed to the use of technology for promoting house sales and new projects. One just has to go to a real estate company’s website to notice the change. Shravan Gupta is one builder who has embraced technology to promote new projects and sell new houses.


Some common technologies used in real estate are bound to grow more in 2022. Technologies which are used predominantly in real estate are:


  • Adaptation to technology.


Most real estate businesses prefer to go online and do a remote form of business. This change has increased since the advent of covid. People feel safer transacting from the comfort of home. Technology has eased the sales of houses and is bound to grow more in the coming months. Shravan Gupta feels that technology has eased 24 x 7 availability and quick response time. One can respond quickly to time, unlike in earlier eras. Hence, it makes sense to be part of the technological adventure and boost real estate sales.


  • Digitization 


Today the reliance on digitization has enhanced visibly. It is the best way to access any ongoing projects online. This has eliminated the need for long travel and people can view the property from the comfort of the home itself. Most builders like Shravan Gupta have websites that give all information in a single place. Today it is possible to view the location, price and facilities on the website. Digitization has paved the way for websites like which showcase the property in any area. Most builders and sellers register their property there and entice new buyers.


  • Use of AI technology.


AI technology has gained prominence in 2022. Today it is possible to use Virtual reality to see the property and its surrounding areas. This has also lowered the response time and boosted sales. When a client visits the website they can view the property and make queries about it. In the long run, it is going to be fruitful in boosting house sales.

Shravan Gupta uses technology to boost sales and attract new customers. Real estate is bound to grow by leaps by becoming part of the digital era.

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